Arkansas Hackers: More than meets the eye
What do you think of when you think of Arkansas? Walmart? Bill Clinton? Barefooted hillbillies? Now, what do you think of when you think of a hacker? I am willing to bet that most of you reading this probably don't think the two go together at all. But you'll be surprised to find out that there is a large group of Cybersecurity experts and hobbyists with all kinds of interests. And so hopefully by the end of this post you will see just how expansive Arkansas Hackers is! Last week from Friday the 6th to Sunday the 8th I had the privilege of being able to attend a popular hacking CTF that goes by the name of JOLT. For those that may not know, a hacking CTF is basically where teams of hackers come together to try and get flags that are behind challenges. These challenges are wide-ranging and cover all types of hacking areas. Other than the bragging rights there are generally rewards for the top 3 winners. JOLT is located in Little Rock, Arkansas and is headed by ...