An open redirect??? In THIS economy???

 Within the world wide web you have what are called redirections, or forwarding. Redirection is as simple as it sounds: You are browsing to a website and redirects your (or sends you) to a different site. This could be an old URL redirecting you to the new one, a url of a company directing you to the main page, or a malicious redirect. The 3rd one is what we will be discussing today. 

Generally, redirects are in the 300 HTTP status code (reference here: and are either 301, 302, or 308. Depending on the website, it will require some action from the user (like logging in). 

Within the bug bounty platform open redirects are generally P4 on severity level, and so generally don't offer much in way of bounty or severity. Generally, you want to combine this with something like an XSS, SSRF, CSRF, etc to make it much higher impact, and higher bounty. But open redirects are easy to teach and understand and so they are hunted quite often. 

Open redirects happen when you are given an url and it looks like it goes to one location (like and it goes to a completely different one than expected ( This is clearly a great way to phish users at a certain company, and if chained together with other vulnerabilities, can actually be quite dangerous. 

Generally, the parameter in the url that redirects to the bad website looks like *". And can have various different wording as the parameter, continue, redir, url, etc. 

I personally think this is a great bug to look for not only as a first bug, but also in general because of the chaining aspect. It doesn't mean that you will automatically find an SSRF, but it could potentially lead you to that and is an interesting attack vector. 

For further resources and study I recommend checking out codingos youtube video on this and the common mistakes (one of them I made myself! lol) and to understand open redirects well before you go hunting for them!

Cheers, and hack the planet! 


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